What is SWEE! Club?

SWEE! is a club for active seniors to promoteSeniorWellness, seniorEngagement and seniorEmpowerment. The club is a Senior Connect initiative of Bless Community Services (BCS).

We believe every senior citizen has the potential to make a positive impact on the community around them.

We wish to empower seniors to connect with the community and engage them with meaningful activities to help them remain active and productive in their silver years.

In 2019, a study conducted by the Duke-NUS Medical School’s Centre for Ageing Research and Education found that 34 percent of Singaporeans and Permanent Residents aged 60 and older perceived themselves as lonely. In another study by the Journal of The American Geriatrics Society in July 2019, mentioned that people aged 60 and above who perceive themselves to be sometimes or mostly lonely can expect to live three to five years less on average, compared to peers who perceive themselves as never lonely. The daily lives of the senior citizens worsened when Covid-19 struck in 2020. During the lockdowns, many of them were unable to meet their friends and had to confine themselves at home.

One of Singapore’s biggest challenges is the demographic trend of an increasing ageing population. It is projected that in 2030, 19 percent of our population will consist of senior citizens aged 65 years old and above.

Research shows that staying active is an excellent way to combat loneliness and social isolation as we grow older. Inject novelty and excitement into their routine by keeping fit, learning new skills and having a rolling good time with friends in the local community!

The question is, “How can we reach out to these groups of senior citizens and help them to stay active, connected and productive?”

Bless Community Services seeks to answer this question by investing in a Senior Club (SWEE!) to promote active ageing, mental and emotional wellness, social bonding and productive ageing.

  1. Stay Active – To promote senior wellness through Active Ageing Activities.
  2. Stay Connected – To engage seniors through Social Bonding Activities.
  3. Stay Curious – To empower seniors through Training and Equipping Programmes.
  4. Stay Productive – To engage and empower seniors to contribute to society through active Volunteerism.

Our programmes and services revolve around our strategic thrusts. Below are some examples:

1. Active Ageing Activities:

a) Dance classes (e.g. Zumba, Line Dance etc)                                       

b) Stretching/Stretch band exercises

c) Walks/hikes


  • Lower mortality, coronary heart disease and hypertension rates.
  • Improved cardiorespiratory and muscular function An improved body composition and weight was also observed.
  • Improved bone health.
  • Lower risk of falling.
  • Better conserved cognitive functions.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle.



2. Social Bonding Activities:

    a) Local and overseas tours

    b) Games day (e.g. table tennis, scrabble, Rummikub, Chinese Chess, carrom, etc)

    c) Screening of motivational films

    d) Bless cafe chit-chats



  • Reduced stress. Older adults who are socially active handle stress better.
  • Longer lifespan.
  • Improved fitness level
  • Reduced risk of depression.
  • Less anxiety.
  • Greater self-esteem.



3. Training and Equipping Programmes

    a) Basic IT class

    b) Use of mobile devices

    c) Culinary classes

    d) Floral arrangement classes

    e) Handicraft/Sewing/Macrame class

    f) Guitar/Ukulele classes

    g) Home Gardening classes

    h) Elementary Chinese Calligraphy/Painting Classes

    i) Health and Wellness Talks



4. Engaging and Empowering (How and Why is it important?)

Many retired seniors were once competent workers and contributors of Singapore. Many are highly skilled, with a large amount of work experience and have corporate leadership skills. However some of them feel that they are no longer valued after their retirement. Their opinions and contributions are no longer sought after and they feel side lined by the society.

We want to re-engage and re-activate these seniors to become active volunteers in the different programmes and services of BCS.  We will look out for seniors who are willing to serve and contribute, acknowledge their work and life experiences, upskill them if needed and engage them to serve in various programmes and services of BCS. For e.g.:

  • Showing hospitality to the homeless and rough sleepers at our S3Ps.
  • Participate in our Community Outreach and Engagement programme.
  • Provide Homework coaching and Tuition for students in low-income families.
  • Mentoring and training youth at GRIT club.
  • Training and Equipping fellow seniors.

BCS will set up a club room for SWEE!  to hold various programmes and activities at its premises. Club room is open for SWEE! from 900am-1200pm.

Mon Morning Walk in the Parks  (Active Ageing, Social Bonding)
Tues Break
Wed Line Dance Class (Active Ageing, Social Bonding)

Chinese Calligraphy Class (Training & Equipping, Social Bonding)

Intergenerational activities


Stretching Exercises via Zoom online platform (Active Ageing)

  • especially for seniors who are unable to leave their homes.

Training and Equipping

    .   IT /Smart devices skills

    .   Handicrafts

    .   Health and wellness talks


Some of these classes will be conducted by senior volunteers or

youth volunteers from G.R.I.T. to promote intergenerational connections.

  • Annual fee of $10.
  • A Free SWEE! T-Shirt.
  • Enjoy free beverages at BLESS Cafe.
  • Attend free SWEE! health & wellness talks.
  • Join SWEE! programmes and activities at member’s discounted price.